First and foremost, THANK YOU for listening to WSNC and supporting this always evolving artform…Jazz…In All Its Colors! That’s our slogan because one of the advantages of being Public Radio and an NPR (National Public Radio_ affiliate is there is no set way, template nor blueprint to create each entities’ presentation. WSNC, because it serves a culturally rich and diverse arts community, strives to be THE source to find everything to benefit your lifestyle through music, public affairs and information coming from the community we serve.


WSNC 90.5FM’s On-Air product adjustments in the last year have provided the foundation that has resulted in an increasing and loyal, UNIQUE listening audience. We expect that growth to continue. The potential for significant growth provides your Business, Corporation and/or Organization access to a unique and diverse demographic. WSNC offers your marketing efforts several platforms to cost-effectively support your efforts on Events, Product and uniquely your Community Initiatives.

Looking for ways to enhance the exposure of your business or organization's message? Click there to find out how.



WSNC provides programing that offers its listeners not only entertaining music by notable and established artists in their jazz genres, all o four music shows has its connection and roots to jazz. Classic Jazz, Contemporary Jazz, Smooth Jazz, Jazz Vocalists, Instrumental Jazz versions of popular cart music…Jazz In All Its Colors. We also provide variety in our music on the weekends…Latin Jazz Fusion, Blues, Reggae, Gospel & Classic R&B…in their various ‘Colors’ have their roots in Jazz. And then, there is our thought-provoking public affairs programming, NPR’S Award-Winning Democracy Now, With Good Intention, On the Media, Latino USA. And our locally-produced shows, Future Focus with WSSU Chancellor Elwood Robinson, Empowering You hosted by Calvin Patterson, Public Morality with New York Best-Selling Author and WS Journal Columnist Byron Williams, African World Now hosted by WSSU Professor James Pope.

Example Development Underwriting platforms available with WSNC
WSNC Marketing Platforms include our Website, On-Air Features & via client video presentations on our Sponsor Page



Contact us and give WSNC an opportunity to convince your Marketing decision makers that we can provide your efforts mass appeal, to the target audience you’re trying to reach.



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