Tavis Smiley visits 90.5 FM WSNC Radio for a conversation with Dean Corey Walker at Winston-Salem State University — at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
The RiverRun International Film Festival celebrates 26 years of extraordinary films, April 13-22, riverrunfilm.com. Executive Director, Rob Davis and Program Manager, Mary Dossinger, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the event.
Phil Allen, WSNC Radio, Mary Dossinger, Program Manager, RiverRun International Film Festival, Rob Davis, Executive Director, RiverRun
Phil Allen, WSNC Radio Host and Alvin Atkinson, Host, Empowering You!
Soprano, Cree Carrico, with Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele and 90.5 FM WSNC General Manager, Brian Anthony. Carrico is part of the cast of the Piedmont Opera production of Gaetano Donnezetti’s” Don Pasquale,” March 17, 19 & 21 at the Stevens Center, piedmontopera.org.
Phil Allen, WSNC, Cree Carrico, Guest Soprano, Piedmont Opera, Brian Anthony WSNC General Manager
Cree Carrico, Guest Soprano, Piedmont Opera, Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager
Jim Steele, WSNC, and Dixon Kinser, Rector, ST Paul’s, Winston-Salem.
Phil Allen, WSNC with Carla Simpson, actress, and Tomeka Allen, directori, the 40 + Stage Company production of Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin In the Sun.”
Dixon Kinser, Rector, ST Paul's Winston-Salem and Phil Allen, WSNC
Jim Steele, WSNC, Tomeka Allen, director and Carla Simpson, actress, the 40 + Stage Company production of Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin In the Sun.” The play runs February 17-18 & 24-25, 7:30 p.m., and February 19 & 26 at 2 p.m., in the Mountcastle Forum at the Milson Rhodes Center, tickets at 336-747-1414. 40plusstage.com
Jazz conga player and guitar builder Sammy Alvarez, and Phil Allen, WSNC
Jazz conga player and guitar builder Sammy Alvarez, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
Alvin Atkinson, host, Empowering YOU!
Jim Steele, WSNC and Shannon Stokes, Director of Artist and Partner Services at Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County
Shannon Stokes, Director of Artist and Partner Services at Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County and Rosa Johnson, Artist
Phil Allen, WSNC, Rosa Johnson, artist, Matema Hadi, artist, Tonya Sheffield, the Dream School, Shannon Stokes, WSFC Arts Council
Jim Steele, WNC, Shannon Stokes, WSFC Arts Council, Rosa Johnson, artist, Matema Hadi, artist, Tonya Sheffield, the Dream School
Byron Williams, host, "The Public Morality"
Jim Steele, WSNC, Cherie Ingram, Forsyth Free Tax Program Manager at the Experiment in Self-Reliance, (EiSR),Twana Cash Wellman, EiSR Executive Director
Cherie Ingram, Experiment in Self-Reliance (EISR), Victoria von Dohlen, (EISR), Phil Allen, WSNC 90.5 FM, Twana Cash Wellman Roebuck, EISR.
Gary Taylor, Executive Director, Winston-Salem Festival Ballet, Jim Steele WSNC.
Frandee Nichols of Senior Services of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about a new support group for grandparents raising their grandchildren. (In North Carolina, 97,000 grandparents are raising their grandchildren.) Contact: Frandee Nichols, kinship care coordinator, at 336-721-6952 or fnichols@seniorservicesinc.org
Zulu Nativity Set under Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree with Louis Armstrong
The Camel City Jazz Orchestra’s Matt Kosma and Cameron McManus visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the Holiday & Swing Concert, Saturday, December 10 at SECCA.
Happy Thanksgiving from the “Grande Dames” of Southern cuisine in Winston-Salem, Vivian Joyner and Stephanie Tyson, Sweet Potatoes restaurant.
Phil Allen, WSNC with Vivian Joyner and chef Stephanie Tyson, Sweet Potatoes restaurant.
Phil Allen and media personality Sonjy Bambi Davis Daniels
Sonjy Bambi Davis Daniels, cook and author
Jim Steele, WSNC and Sonjy Bambi Davis Daniels cooking media influencer, came by WSNC to talk Thanksgiving Day gatherings and cooking.
Jim Steele, WSNC and the “Glamorous Farmer,” Samantha Foxx is beekeeping expert and educator, mead maker and force of nature.
Mock interview with Twana Cash Roebuck and Winston-Salem State University senior, Emmanuel Kemet
Joel McIver Vice President for Community Engagement and Lee Covington, President/CEO, Senior Services of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about a major fundraising campaign to better serve older adults in the community.
Carlos Bocanegra (Monstercade nightclub)and his dad Fermin (author, The Man from Peru) came by the radio station to talk about their 2022 Burning Man Festival experience. Two of a kind!
Carlos Bocanegra, owner, Monstercade, Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager, Fermin Bocanegra, businessman and founder, Hispanic League of Forsyth County
Tonya Sheffield, artist Jerry Haynes, Happy Hill Gardens Neighborhood Association and Molly Brodsky from dream.org, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the “Day Of Dialogue,” Wednesday, September 21, 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. at Wake Forest Biotech Place, 575 North Patterson Avenue. — with Tonya Sheffield and J Eric Mathis at Winston-Salem State University.
Of the many hats announcer/producer Phil Allen wears at 90.5 FM WSNC radio, one is instructor! Here he is with Winston-Salem State University senior, Emmanuel Kemet who is learning about radio production and announcing. Well done!
Dr. James Pope, Winston-Salem State University, host, "The Africa World Now Project."
Major Andrew Wiley, Area Commander and Bob Campbell, Director of Marketing and Communications visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the organization and its many services in the community.
Phil Allen, WSNC 90.5 FM Announcer and Dr. DaBeth Manns, WSSU Heritage Society.
Dr. DaBeth Manns NEVER visits 90.5 FM WSNC radio empty handed! She presented a generous check to General Manager Brian Anthony.
Sarah Fedele of the AHA, musician Nathaniel Ward and Dr. Kyle Luth, Garden Manager, Simon’s Green Acre Community Garden visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
Eric Mathis, founder of the Institute for Regenerative Design and Innovation, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the launch of Renew Forsyth’s Resilient Communities Model. His collaborators include Brenda Taylor, Happy Hill Garden Neighborhood Association and chef Chad Estep, WSFCS Career Center Culinary Arts. http://regenerative-design.org/
Jim Steele, WSNC DaBeth Manns, WSSU, Brian Anthony, Heritage Society, WSNC General Manager
Artist, Mona King and Mark Lamb, Co-owner, Metalmorphosis, Inc., visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about their collaboration on the public art work, “Resilience, Still I Rise.”
Jim Steele, WSNC, Tonya Sheffield, the Dream School
Tonya Sheffield, the Dream School
Jim Steele, WSMC. Sonjy Bambi Davis Daniels, social media personality/cook, Owens Daniels, photographic artist
Piedmont Opera presents “Performed By Black Composers, Saturday, June 25, 2 p.m. at Calvary Moravian Church. The public is invited. Lindsey Allen, soprano and Andre Peele visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the program.
Piedmont Opera presents “Performed By Black Composers, Saturday, June 25, 2 p.m. at Calvary Moravian Church. The public is invited. Lindsey Allen, soprano and Andre Peele with Phil Allen, WSNC and Darlene Vinson, WSNC
Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Phil Allen, WSNC, Twana Cash Wellman Roebuck, Executive Director, the Experiment in Self Reliance.
Reedy Mensh from the Food Bank of Northwest NC came by to talk about the return of the Empty Bowls fundraiser.
Forsyth County Public Health Director, Joshuah Swift and Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager
Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Phil Allen, WSNC, DaBeth Manns, WSSU Heritage Society
Allison Slaby, curator, Reynolda House Museum of American Art, came by 90.5 FM WSNC radio to talk about the exhibit, “Black Is Beautiful,” February 5-May 8, reynolda.org.
Sandra Miller Jones and Lafayette Jones of SMSi Heathy Solutions, Inc.
WSSU Rams Coach's Show
WSSU Rams Coach's Show
Chef Don McMillan visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. He and other chefs have worked together since 1990 to address the issue of poor nutrition in America’s children.
Jim Steele, WSNC with Vivian Joyner and Stephanie Tyson, owners, Sweet Potatoes restaurant
Author, Walter Bennett and wife Betsy, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about his latest novel, “The Last First Kiss.” Bennet will speak to the public with a panel of writers at “4 on 4th,” sponsored by Winston-Salem Writers, 7 p.m. at Bookmarks Book Shop.
Author, Walter Bennett and wife Betsy, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about his latest novel, “The Last First Kiss.” Bennet will speak to the public with a panel of writers at “4 on 4th,” sponsored by Winston-Salem Writers, 7 p.m. at Bookmarks Book Shop.
Author, Walter Bennett and wife Betsy, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about his latest novel, “The Last First Kiss.” Bennet will speak to the public with a panel of writers at “4 on 4th,” sponsored by Winston-Salem Writers, 7 p.m. at Bookmarks Book Shop.
WSNC 90.5 FM’s Darlene Vinson served as emcee for the 2021 DunAmis* Gospel Awards program. The annual event honors outstanding independent gospel artists, clergy, churches, gospel music radio hosts and others for their contributions to their communities. Vinson is a three-time DunAmis Award winning gospel music radio show host. Photos: Alexis Lambert – DunAmis Gospel Award Dance Ministry – Unheard Mime T-roy N Monica – DunAmis Gospel Awards Christian Comedian Brandon Smith – DunAmis Gospel Announcer of the Year *When it comes to Bible, dunamis distinctly describes the power of God. ... God gave them this power to live devotional, pure and holy life. In other words, when people give Lord their lives, He change their hearts, minds, goals and dreams. According to the Bible people can't do something good on their own (Romans 3:12).
Mari Jo Turner, Executive Director, The Hispanic League, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
Mark Norman, Piedmont Wind Symphony’s Executive Director
Having way too much fun with Mark Norman, Piedmont Wind Symphony’s Executive Director. (Mark Norman with Darlene Vinson, WSNC Office Manager and Phil Allen, WSNC Associate Program Director & Announcer) Norman visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about Piedmont Wind Symphony's upcoming concert, Sunday, September 12. Join the PWS for marches, movie soundtracks, and more in the Coal Pit at Bailey Power Plant. Sponsored by Incendiary Brewing with FREE admission! Round two of this exciting series will bring all new music and surprise guests to the PWS stage. Bring a chair and join in the fun! #piedmontwindsymphony #intothearts
Jim Steele, WSNC, Phil Allen, WSNC, Mark Norman, Piedmont Wind Symphony, Executive Director
Forsyth County Commissioner Tonya McDaniel (‘12), visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to welcome everyone to Winston-Salem State University’s Homecoming 2021!
Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager, Forsyth County Commissioner Tonya McDaniel (‘12),
Jim Steele, WSNC, Dr. DaBeth Manns, WSSU Heritage Society
Forsyth County Commissioner, Tonya McDaniel
We LOVE our guests at 90.5 FM WSNC radio! Thanks to opera singer Marsha Thompson and Piedmont Opera Theatre Executive Director, Jamie Allbritten for coming by to talk about the upcoming Puccini double header! Piedmont Opera's 44th Season is Friday, October 15, Sunday, October 17 and Tuesday October 19 at the Stevens Center, downtown Winston-Salem. https://www.piedmontopera.org/
Gary Taylor, Winston-Salem Festival Ballet and Eric Swaim, ARTARIE, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about Taylor’s ballet, “Dracula,” opening this Friday on the ARTARIE app for your smart device. (Pictured: Eric Swaim, Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Gary Taylor, Phil Allen, WSNC, Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager)
Dr. DaBeth Manns, the Winston-Salem State University Belinda S. Womack Memorial Music Scholarship Fund
Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Phil Allen, WSNC, Tonya McDaniel, Forsyth County Commissioner
09/01/2021 Bernita Sims, Co-Chair, Friends of John Coltrane, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the John Coltrane International Jazz and Blues Festival this Labor Day Weekend, September 4-5 at Oak Hollow Park, High Point! https://friendsofjohncoltrane.com/
Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Phil Allen, WSNC, opera singer Marsha Thompson and Piedmont Opera Theatre Executive Director, Jamie Allbritten
Bernita Sims, Co-Chair, Friends of John Coltrane, Phil Allen, WSNC
Gary Taylor, Winston-Salem Festival Ballet and Eric Swaim, ARTARIE, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about Taylor’s ballet, “Dracula,” opening this Friday on the ARTARIE app for your smart device.
Phil Allen, WSNC, Dr. DaBeth Manns, the Winston-Salem State University Belinda S. Womack Memorial Music Scholarship Fund, Darlene Vinson, WSNC
Reginald McMaskill, President & CEO Triad Minority & Women’s Business Expo and 90.5 FM WSNC announcer and associate program manager, Phil Allen.
Jim Steele, WSNC, Reginald McMaskill, President & CEO Triad Minority & Women’s Business Expo
Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem
The WSNC tent at Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem
Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem
Under the WSNC tent with friends and volunteers at Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem. Phil Allen, WSNC, Ed McNeal, Winston-Salem Communications Director (now Forsyth County Communications Director)
08/10/2021 Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem August 13, features trumpeter Willie Bradley (https://www.williebradley.net/) 6:30 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. Vincent Crenshaw will be the opening act.
WSNC 90.5 FM had a great night listening to love jazz music and enjoying the company of the Winston-Salem community at Corpening Plaza, Friday, August 13, 2021
Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager and Jim Steele, WSNC announcer at under the WSNC tent at Friday Night Jazz, Corpening Plaza
The WSNC tent at Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem, for Friday Night Jazz
Post Entertainment's Carl Denerson and wife, producer of Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza
Congratulations to Sharon Williams and and Sharon D. Anderson pictured here with WSNC Office Manager Darlene Vinson, who along with Tirena Anderson (not pictured) won tickets to the Keiko Matsui concert, Friday, July 23, Spirit Square, Charlotte! Thanks to everyone who entered!
Thoroughly enjoyed attending Reynolda House Museum of American Art’s launch of THE VOYAGE OF LIFE exhibition this morning with Arts Council colleagues and WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM’s Jim Steele. Don’t miss this, folks!
July 7, 2021 The Downtown Jazz Music Series opens Friday, July 9, 6 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. at Corpening Plaza, Winston-Salem featuring guitarist Terrence Young. The public is invited. Jim Steele, 90.5 FM WSNC radio and Carl Denerson, Post Entertainment.
Dara Silver, Sr VP, Arts Council of Winston- Salem & Forsyth County and Diane Faison, actor (<dianefaison.life>), “The Spirit of Harriet Tubman, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele at 90.5 FM WSNC. artarie.com
Dara Silver, Sr VP, Arts Council of Winston- Salem & Forsyth County and Diane Faison, actor (<dianefaison.life>), “The Spirit of Harriet Tubman, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele at 90.5 FM WSNC. artarie.com
Photo artist, Owens Daniels and Phil Allen, WSNC
Joel McIver, Senior Services of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 10th Annual Christmas in July drive to collect personal care items for the community.
Winston-Salem artists Jerry Hanes, Don Sawyer, Gilbert E. Young and Kayyum Allah visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the Happy Hill Art Anthology. By the way, ALL are Winston-Salem State University alumni!
Painter, Gilbert E. Young, and his portrait of Johnny Hartman, at my office at 90.5 FM WSNC.
The 90.5 FM mobile app! Available at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Artarie is a new streaming platform that allows local artists and arts organizations to perform safely in the comfort of your home. Chad Cheek, Founder, Eric Eric Haynes Swaim, Director of Partners & Programs and Cheyenne Covington, client (“Little Girl Blue”) visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. www.artarie.com
Katie Hall, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Arts Council Development Director and Arts Council CEO, Chase Law, visited 90.5 FM WSNC with WSNC General Manager Bryan Anthony and Afternoon Jazz Host, Jim Steele.
Katie Hall, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Arts Council Development Director and Arts Council CEO, Chase Law, visited 90.5 FM WSNC with WSNC General Manager Bryan Anthony and Afternoon Jazz Host, Jim Steele.
Winston-Salem Symphony Music Director and CEO Mary Beth Johnson visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steel to talk about the how the Symphony had continued to bring music to the community during COVID 19. Next spring, the Symphony will celebrate its 75th Anniversary with a visit by jazz Saxophonist Branford Marsalis! https://www.wssymphony.org/
Winston-Salem Symphony Music Director and CEO Mary Beth Johnson visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steel to talk about the how the Symphony had continued to bring music to the community during COVID 19. Next spring, the Symphony will celebrate its 75th Anniversary with a visit by jazz Saxophonist Branford Marsalis! https://www.wssymphony.org/
Author, E.Vernon Glenn, “You Have Your Way,” and “Friday Calls,” visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. LISTEN to the podcast at www.wsncradio.org! #bookmarkshop #cherylannlipstreu
Reedy Mensh, Event Manager, Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest North Carolina visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. The 20th Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser is coming up! Purchase tickets before Friday, April 23 at www.emptybowlsnc.org.
Dr. DaBeth Manns, Winston-Salem State University Heritage Society, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 11th Biannual Community Concert Series supporting the Belinda S. Womack Memorial Scholarship Fund. A podcast of the interview is at www.wsncradio.org. The program is Saturday, April 17, 3 p.m. at Piedmont Music Center, 212 N Broad Street, Winston-Salem. WSNC 90.5 FM's own Jo Dred is on the program ("The Vibe with Jo Dred," Saturdays, 10 p.m. - midnight). Information at www.bswnc.org.
Dr. DaBeth Manns, Winston-Salem State University Heritage Society, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 11th Biannual Community Concert Series supporting the Belinda S. Womack Memorial Scholarship Fund. A podcast of the interview is at www.wsncradio.org. The program is Saturday, April 17, 3 p.m. at Piedmont Music Center, 212 N Broad Street, Winston-Salem. WSNC 90.5 FM's own Jo Dred is on the program ("The Vibe with Jo Dred," Saturdays, 10 p.m. - midnight). Information at www.bswnc.org.
Dr. DaBeth Manns, Winston-Salem State University Heritage Society, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 11th Biannual Community Concert Series supporting the Belinda S. Womack Memorial Scholarship Fund. A podcast of the interview is at www.wsncradio.org. The program is Saturday, April 17, 3 p.m. at Piedmont Music Center, 212 N Broad Street, Winston-Salem. WSNC 90.5 FM's own Jo Dred is on the program ("The Vibe with Jo Dred," Saturdays, 10 p.m. - midnight). Information at www.bswnc.org.
Coming February 8 - May 8, 2022, Reynolda House Museum of American Art will host, “Black is Beautiful,” the Photography of Kwame Brathwaite. The museum is currently showing art from its collection along with pieces from Wake Forest University, “The Voyage of Life: Art, Allegory and Community Response.” It is brilliant.
Congratulations to the S.G. Atkins Community Development Center on receiving a Small Business Association (SBA) grant to establish a Women’s Business Center at Winston-Salem State University. Carol Davis is Executive Director and Kellie Easton Education Director. This is only the sixth center in North Carolina and only the second at an NC Historically Black College or University. Well done!
Congratulations to the S.G. Atkins Community Development Center on receiving a Small Business Association (SBA) grant to establish a Women’s Business Center at Winston-Salem State University. Carol Davis is Executive Director and Kellie Easton Education Director. This is only the sixth center in North Carolina and only the second at an NC Historically Black College or University. Well done!
Melissa Wilson, Director of Giving and Events at Senior Services of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 11th Annual Art Show and Sale to support Meals-on-Wheels.
WSNC 90.5 FM ad on Winston-Salem Transit Authority bus.
WSNC 90.5 FM ad on Winston-Salem Transit Authority bus.
Piedmont Opera General & Artistic Director, James Allbritten visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the upcoming production of Viardot’s “Cinderella,” Friday, March 19, 8pm and Sunday, March 21, 3:30 pm, www.piedmontopera.org.
Piedmont Opera General & Artistic Director, James Allbritten and WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager, Bryan Anthony, social distancing at the station.
Joy Nelson Thomas, Founder and Executive Director, LEAD Girls of North Carolina visited 90.5 FM WSNC. The program was established in 2015 to give young low-income and at-risk girls facing multiple challenges in their lives a space to feel supported. (With Jim Steele, WSNC)
Joy Nelson Thomas, Founder and Executive Director, LEAD Girls of North Carolina visited 90.5 FM WSNC. The program was established in 2015 to give young low-income and at-risk girls facing multiple challenges in their lives a space to feel supported. (With WSNC General Manager, Brian Anthony)
Photographer Owens Daniels generously shared his portraits of jazz musicians with 90.5 FM WSNC. Thanks a million!
Patricia Degraffinreaidt, The Enterprise Center and Pastor Debra Terry Stephens, Cornerstone Fellowship Church visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the Southside Community Food Project sponsored by the S.G. Atkins CDC Shared Use Community Kitchen.
Winston-Salem photographer Bobby Roebuck (Shot To the Head Photography) has captured portraits of jazz music performers nationwide. His photos along with those of Owens Daniels fill the halls at 90.5 FM WSNC radio. (Some of the jazz artists include Nick Collione, Nneena Freelon, Jeff Kashua and Bony James).
The 90.5 FM WSNC jazz music art collection includes photography by Owens Daniels and Bobby Roebuck.
The 90.5 FM WSNC jazz music art collection includes photography by Owens Daniels and Bobby Roebuck.
The 90.5 FM WSNC jazz music art collection includes photography by Owens Daniels and Bobby Roebuck.
The 90.5 FM WSNC jazz music art collection includes photography by Owens Daniels and Bobby Roebuck.
The 90.5 FM WSNC jazz music art collection includes photography by Owens Daniels and Bobby Roebuck.
The 90.5 FM WSNC jazz music art collection includes photography by Owens Daniels and Bobby Roebuck.
Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR) has partnered with the Twin City Medical Society and the Forsyth County Department of Public Health to provide COVID-19 testing and flu shots at no charge to the public Saturday, December 19, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at ESR, 3480 Dominion Street, Winston-Salem. Information at www.eisr.org/events.
Jim Steele, WSNC and author, Andrew Snorton, Creative Community Solutions, at 90.5 FM WSNC.
Author, Andrew Snorton, Creative Community Solutions, at 90.5 FM WSNC.
Samantha Foxx, “The Glamorous Farmer,” Mother’s Finest Urban Farms visited with Jim Steele, WSNC on Afternoon Jazz. She is so charming and talented!
Bob Feikema, CEO Family Services of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to encourage community support of The Pre-K Priority (www.prekpriority.org).
Bob Feikema, CEO Family Services of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to encourage community support of The Pre-K Priority (www.prekpriority.org).
Bob Feikema, CEO Family Services of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to encourage community support of The Pre-K Priority (www.prekpriority.org).
Rev. Alvin Carlisle, Forsyth County Commissioners Tonya McDaniel, Patricia DeGraffenreidt, and WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager, Brian Anthony.
Jill Stricklin and Matt Kosma of The Camel City Jazz Orchestra, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 4th Annual “Big Bands Are For Loves,” an evening of dancing and dining, February 14, 6:30 pm, Millennium Center, www.camelcityjazz.org.
N.C. author, Rachael Brooks, “Beads: A Memoir About Falling Apart and Putting Yourself Back Together Again,” visited WSNC 90.5 FM.
Amanda Smith, Program Supervisor, Forsyth Guardian ad Litem District 21, North Carolina Judicial Branch and volunteer Jane Ingram visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. #FORSYTHGUARDIANADLITEM #AMANDASWIFT #JANEINGRAM #WSNC #WSSU #JIMSTEELE #BRIANANTHONY
Amanda Smith, Program Supervisor, Forsyth Guardian ad Litem District 21, North Carolina Judicial Branch and volunteer Jane Ingram visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. #FORSYTHGUARDIANADLITEM #AMANDASWIFT #JANEINGRAM #WSNC #WSSU #JIMSTEELE #BRIANANTHONY
Journalist Monte Plott, CNN, retired, visited with WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager Brian Anthony and Program Director Phil Allen after lunch at Miss Ora’s Kitchen with Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele. #CNN #WSNC #WSSU
Journalist Monte Plott, CNN, retired, visited with WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager Brian Anthony and Program Director Phil Allen after lunch at Miss Ora’s Kitchen with Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele. #CNN #WSNC #WSSU
New York Times bestselling author, Sarah McCoy and Jasmine Guillory, author, “Royal Holliday,” visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele for the monthly show, “Bookmarked with Sarah McCoy” at WSNC 90.5 FM.
WSSU alumnus Oliver Crooms ‘07, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the 2nd Annual Carolina Film Festival, www.carolinafilmfestival.com.
N.C. Chief Justice Cheri Beasley is the first African -American woman in the State Supreme Court’s 200 year history to serve as Chief Justice of the state’s highest court. — with Traci King and Beth Norbrey Hopkins at Winston-Salem State University.
Vernon Glenn, author, “Friday Calls, A Southern Novel,” visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. #VERNONGLENN #WSNC #WSSU #BOOKMARKS
Writer, Joy Jones, “Fearless Public Speaking,” visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. WSNC 90.5 FM jazz announcer, Harvest Williams introduced Jones to WSNC. Joy Jones has taught creative writing and public speaking to middle school students and coached poetry slam teams. Her children's book Tambourine Moon was chosen in 2000 as a Kid's Pick of the Lists by the American Booksellers Association, selected as one of the best books for children by the black caucus of the ALA, and seen on Fox TV's hit show The Bernie Mac Show. She is also the author of Private Lessons: A Book of Meditations for Teachers and a contributor to the anthology Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds: The Teachers of WritersCorps in Poetry and Prose. Joy is the director of The Spoken Word, a performance poetry ensemble. Her new book is Fearless Public Speaking: A Guide for Beginners.
Author, Maxine Gordon, “The Life and Legacy of Dexter Gordon," visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
North Carolina Chief Justice Cheri Beasley visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele, Monday, September 9, 3:30 p.m. — with Beth Norbrey Hopkins and Traci King at Winston-Salem State University.
The 90.5 FM WSNC table at 2019 Festival of Books & Authors at Bookmarks.
Pianist, Steinway Artist and 2017-2018 U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Poland, Pamela Howland visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about her concert, “Chopin Meets the Beatles, Monday, September 9, 7:30 p.m., Brendle Recital Hall. — with Phil Allen and Pamela Howland at Winston-Salem State University.
Jim Steele onstage at the John Coltrane International Jazz and Blues Festival, High Point
WSNC 90.5 FM listener Eric Larsen (center) stopped by to say “hello.” Thanks for listening, Eric! — with Phil Allen at Winston-Salem State University.
Artist, Leo Rucker, at the 2019 National Black Theatre Festival, July 29, Benton Convention Center.
Phil Allen, WSNC and actor Jeffrey Lewis Owens at the 2019 National Black Theatre Festival, July 29, Benton Convention Center. Geoffrey Louis Owens is an American actor known for his role as Elvin Tibideaux on The Cosby Show. He is the son of former United States Congressman Major Owens.
Guess who stopped by W S N C Radio, 90.5 F M? Ms Margaret "Shug" Avery! Had a great conversation with her about the National Black Theatre Festival and other things too! (With Jim Steele, Darlene Vinson and Phil Allen, WSNC)
Theodore William "Ted" Lange is an American actor, director, and screenwriter best known for his role as the bartender, Isaac Washington, in the TV series The Love Boat. (With Jim Steele, WSNC)
Geraldine Hooper and director/choreographer, Mabel Robinson at the 2019 National Black Theatre Festival gala.
Shelby Scales, Director of the Office of Civil Rights at the N.C. Department of Transportation visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM to talk about the Southern Transportation Civil Rights Executive Council Training Symposium, August 19 - 22 in Charlotte, N.C.
Brian Stokes Mitchell was born on October 31, 1957 in Seattle, Washington, USA. He is an actor, known for The Prince of Egypt (1998), Ghost Dad (1990) and Trapper John, M.D. (1979). He has been married to Allyson Tucker since September 3, 1994. They have one child. He won Broadway's 2000 Tony Award as Best Actor (Musical) for a revival of Cole Porter's "Kiss Me, Kate." He has been Tony-nominated three other times: twice as Best Actor (Musical), in 1998 for portraying Colehouse Walker in "Ragtime" and in 2003 for playing the Cervantes/Don Quixote character in a revival of "Man of La Mancha;" and once as Best Actor (Play), in 2001 for August Wilson's "King Hedley II."
Theodore William "Ted" Lange is an American actor, director, and screenwriter best known for his role as the bartender, Isaac Washington, in the TV series The Love Boat. Lange and guests at the 2019 National Black Theatre Festival
Keith David portrays Bishop James Greenleaf of megachurch Calvary Fellowship World Ministries on OWN’s new drama series Greenleaf. Keith has more than 150 film, television and stage roles to his credit, including two Emmy awards. Keith’s memorable film roles include Platoon, Crash, Requiem for a Dream and There’s Something About Mary. Keith is set to appear in the upcoming feature film Nice Guys, starring Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe. Equally in-demand as a voice actor, he has lent his voice to the animated films Coraline, Disney’s Princess and the Frog,Gargoyles and hit video games such as Halo, Mass Effect and Saints Row. Keith was raised in New York and currently resides in Los Angeles.
WSNC General Manager, Brian Anthony and radio personality, Renee Vaughn, at the July 12, 2019 Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza.
Vendors add to the event. The July 12, 2019 Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza.
North Carolina's first African-American Poet Laureate and only the third woman to be so honored, Jaki Shelton Green, at the 2019 National Black Theatre Festival.
2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12, Corpening Plaza
Actor, Chester Gregory, celebrity co-chair of the 2019 National Black Theatre Festival, (center) with WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager, Brian Anthony and Program Director, Phil Allen.
WSNC's Darlene Vinson at the 2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12, Corpening Plaza
Vendors at the 2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12, Corpening Plaza.
2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12, Corpening Plaza
Vendors at the 2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12, Corpening Plaza
Vendors and attendees at the 2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12, Corpening Plaza
WSNC 90.5 FM Program Director, Phil Allen, poet Jacinta V. White and Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele at WSNC.
A familiar view from the lawn at Corpening Plaza during a Friday night jazz concert
One of the many vendors at Friday night jazz at Corpening Plaza
WSNC's Darlene Vinson at Corpening Plaza. Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12 2019.
2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12 2019.
2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12 2019.
2019 Summer Jazz Music Series, July 12 2019.
Kenneth Fisher, 2019 National Black Theatre Festival, July 29, Benton Convention Center.
Good outdoor advertising opportunity. July 12, 2019 Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12, 2019 Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
Vendor at July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
This is what joy looks like. July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
Under the 90.5 FM WSNC tent. July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza. Radio Announcer Renee Vaughn and WSNC's Phil Allen.
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza. The fountain provides a cooler corner for visitors
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza. Vendor.
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
July 12 2019, Summer Downtown Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza
Shelby Scales, Director of the Office of Civil Rights at the N.C. Department of Transportation visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM to talk about the Southern Transportation Civil Rights Executive Council Training Symposium, August 19 - 22 in Charlotte, N.C.
Post Entertainment, producer for Downtown Jazz at Corpening Plaza
WSNC 90.5 FM Program Director Phil Allen with poet Jacinta V. White and Sunday Morning Gospel Host, Darlene Vinson at WSNC radio.
Jim Steele, WSNC, Kyla Waters, Jazz pianist, Phil Allen, WSNC. June 28, 2019 Friday night jazz at Corpening Plaza. #WSNC #WSSU #CITYOFWINSTONSALEM #KAYLAWATERS #BRIANANTHONY #PHILALLEN #DWSP #POSTENTERTAINMENT
Jim Steele, WSNC and Jazz pianist, Kayla Waters
Such a joy to welcome my William Morrow/ HarperCollins sister to my new hometown and new radio show, "Bookmarked with Sarah McCoy" on NPR's WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM. #ReadWithJenna
Mark Owens, Chamber President and CEO and Chamber Board President, Jeff Lindsay, Executive Vice President and COO, Novant Health visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele, Wednesday, May 22, 4:30 p.m. — with Jim Steele .
C.J. Jones, a second year student in the Broadcast Production Department at Forsyth Tech Community College is interning at WSNC 90.5 FM. Welcome C.J.!
Jim Steele, Afternoon Jazz host
Steve Haines, a friend of many years, visited WSNC to talk about his new recording, “Steve Haines and The Third Floor Orchestra. Haines is director of the Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program at UNCG. He also wrote and gifted the theme music to Afternoon Jazz With Jim Steele
Drummer, spoken word, Halbert Hab Richardson, April 17, 2019 Always a pleasure to share with Jim Steele and our friends at 90.5! Come out on Saturday and support a worthy cause and enjoy some of the best talent our city has to offer! — with Jim Steele. Dr. DaBeth Manns, Darlene Vinson, WSNC
Lafayette Jones and Sandra Miller Jones of Segmented Marketing Services Inc. and SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc., publisher, Urban Call, visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele, Wednesday, March 13. #SMSI #WSNC #WSSU #SANDRAMILLERJONES #LAFAYETTEJONES #JIMSTEELE
Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele with the Rev. Ginny Wilder, Vicar, ST Anne’s Episcopal Church and John Lockwood, Fuzzy Friends Pet Food Pantry founder.
Writer Sarah McCoy and Jim Steele, WSNC radio, January 24, 2019
November 12, 2018 Dancer Mel Tomlinson and Claudia Folts with Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele and WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony. Tomlinson’s new book is “Beyond My Dreams” by Mel A. Tomlinson as told to Claudia Folts.
Jim Steele, WSNC, "Voting is our civic duty."
Baritone Michael Redding performs in Piedmont Opera’s production of Puccini’s La Boheme, Oct. 26, 28 & 30, www.piedmontopera.org. (Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele, Michael Redding, baritone and WSNC General Manager, Brian Anthony)
Attorney Saleisha Averhart visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele to talk about the N.C. Association of Black Lawyers efforts to protect voting rights. (Jim Steele, Saleisha Averhart, WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony.) #WSNC #WSSU #NCBLACKLAWYERSASSOCIATION #SALEISHAAVERHART #JIMSTEELE #BRIANANTHONY
Brian Anthony, WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager and Rudy Anderson of the Big 4 Alumni Association of Forsyth County. #RUDYANDERSON #BIG4ALUMNIASSOCIATIONOFFORSYTHCOUNTY #WSSU
September 8, 2018 Dara Silver and Louis at Bookmarks Festival of Books & Authors. #WSSU #WSNC #INTOTHEARTS
WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager Brian Anthony at Bookmarks Festival of Books & Authors. #WSNC #WSSU — attending 14th Festival of Books & Authors at Bookmarks, September 8, 2018
Cheyenne Covington and "Diana Tuffin," (by Owens Daniels) at Bookmarks Festival of Books & Authors. #WSSU #WSNC — attending 14th Festival of Books & Authors September 8, 2018
Afternoon Jazz host, Jim Steele, August 8, 2018 Thanks for the cool shades Caique Vidal and the conversation at WSNC 90.5 FM! #CAIQUEVIDAL #BATUQUE
Jazz trombone player Cameron MacManus, WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony, and Brazilian jazz music band leader Caique Vidal at WSNC 90.5 FM. Vidal’s band “Batuque,” performs Saturday, August 11, 8 p.m. at The Ramkat, Winston-Salem. #CAIQUEVIDAL #CAMERONMACMANUS #BRIANANTHONY #BATUQUE #THERAMKAT #WSNC — with Cameron MacManus and Caique Vidal at Winston-Salem State University.
July 31, 2018 P.R. Professional Carroll Leggett, W.Randy Eaddy, incoming President/CEO of the Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County and WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager Brian Anthony. #INTOTHEARTS #WSSU #WSNC #JIMSTEELE #CARROLLlEGGETT #WRANDYEADDY #BRIANANTHONY — with Carroll H. Leggett and W. Randy Eaddy at Winston-Salem State University.
July 30, 2018 Jazz bass player and WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager Brian Anthony invite you to the 2018 Music Carolina Summer Fest, Aug. 1-19. Details at www.musiccarolina.org! — with Matt Kendrick at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
July 16, 2018 Phil Archer from Reynolda House Museum of American Art visited Afternoon Jazz to talk about “Reynolda Revealed,” a new app for visitors at Reynolda House, the Gardens and the Village. #PHILARCHER #REYNOLDAHOUSE #REYNOLDAREVEALED — with Philip Archer at Winston-Salem State University.
July 27,2018 WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony, pianist Justin Nelson, singer Lorraine Bohland and jazz music host Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM. — with Lorraine Bohland and Justin Nelson at Winston-Salem State University.
June 27, 2018 WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony, pianist Justin Nelson, singer Lorraine Bohland and jazz music host Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM. — with Lorraine Bohland and Justin Nelson at Winston-Salem State University.
June 27, 2018 WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony, pianist Justin Nelson, singer Lorraine Bohland and jazz music host Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM. — with Lorraine Bohland and Justin Nelson at Winston-Salem State University.
June 27, 2018 WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony, pianist Justin Nelson, singer Lorraine Bohland and jazz music host Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM. — with Lorraine Bohland and Justin Nelson at Winston-Salem State University.
Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership Summer Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza with the WSNC 90.5 FM crew. Thanks Bobby Roebuck for the great photos! JUne 21, 2018
June 21, 2018 Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership Summer Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza with the WSNC 90.5 FM crew. Thanks Bobby Roebuck for the great photos!
June 21, 2018 Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership Summer Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza with the WSNC 90.5 FM crew. Thanks Bobby Roebuck for the great photos!
June 21, 2018 Downtown Winston-Salem Partnership Summer Jazz Music Series at Corpening Plaza with the WSNC 90.5 FM crew. Thanks Bobby Roebuck for the great photos!
May 30, 2018 Writer David Sedaris, his brother in law, Bob Evans and writer Sarah McCoy at WSNC. — with Sarah McCoy and David Sedaris at Winston-Salem State University.
May 30, 2018 Jim Steele, WSNC and writer, David Sedaris at WSNC 90.5 FM. — with David Sedaris at Winston-Salem State University.
May 30, 2018 Writer Sarah McCoy, Lisa Evans, sister of David Sedaris and WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager, Brian Anthony. David Sedaris was describing the name of his next beach house to Sarah McCoy, Lisa Evans and Brian Anthony. They were appropriately horrified. — with Sarah McCoy at Winston-Salem State University.
May 3, 2018 Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Brian WSSU Communications Dept. Head, Ben Donnelly,WSNC Operations Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines honored the 35th Anniversary of WSNC 90.5 FM with an official proclamation.
Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines honored the 35th Anniversary of WSNC 90.5 FM with an official proclamation. Jim Steele spoke with him about the station's "Locally Sourced Jazz Music" campaign featuring photographs by Owens Daniels . April 18, 2018
April 19, 2018 Bookmarked with Sarah McCoy welcomed author Charles Frazier to WSNC 90.5 FM. — with Sarah McCoy at Winston-Salem State University.
Dr. Dabeth Manns and the 90.5 FM WSNC staff with participants in her twice yearly fundraiser
April 19, 2018 New York Times bestselling authors Charles Frazier and Sarah McCoy with WSNC Operations Manager Ben Donnelly. — with Sarah McCoy at Winston-Salem State University.
April 18, 2018 The WSNC crew welcomes Delta Arts Center Executive Director Alicia Diggs Bailey to Afternoon Jazz! — with Ben Donnelly and Brian Anthony at Winston-Salem State University.
Halbert Hab Richardson, musician and Jim Steele, WSNC April 18, 2018
April 5, 2018 Nathan Ross-Freeman, Adam Ingram-Perry, Cheyenne Covington, "Little Girl Blue"
April 5, 2018 Nathan Ross-Freeman, Adam Ingram-Perry, Cheyenne Covington, "Little Girl Blue", Jim Steele, WSNC
January 25, 2018 New York Times bestselling author Sarah McCoy dropped by WSNC to give us an update on her latest project and to recommend new books for your reading pleasure. — with Sarah McCoy at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
WSNC 90.5 FM General Manager Brian Anthony and WSNC's Ben Donnelly with New York Times bestselling authors Sarah McCoy and Charlie Lovett who visited Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele for a talk about Lovett’s book, “The Last Book Of the Grail.”
March 27, 2018 WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony, actor Ralph Shaw and 40+ Stage Company co-founder Gene Johnson with Jim Steele. The community theatre group’s production of “Driving Miss Daisy,” with Shaw and actor Robin Voiers as Miss Daisy.
March 21, 2018 Matthew Troy Piedmont Wind Symphony, Jim Steele, WSNC, Meghan Parsons, Piedmont Wind Symphony and Brian Anthony, WSNC General Manager
WSNC General Manager, Brian Anthony
Jim Steele, Afternoon Jazz
February 14, 2018 WSNC volunteer jazz announcer Al Jones, Victoria von Dahlin, Experiment in Self-Reliance (ESR), Twana Wellman-Roebuck, ESR Executive Director, WSNC General Manager Brian Anthony and Eric Tomlinson, CEO, WFU Innovation Quarter at WSNC 90.5 FM.
Twana Cash Wellman-Roebuck, Experiment In Self-Reliance Executive Director, Victoria von Dahlin of ESR and Eric Tomlinson, CEO, Wake Forest Innovation Quarter on Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
February 19, 2018 Author Peter Ford, RiverRun International Film Series Executive Director Rob Davis with Afternoon Jazz host, Jim Steele. Ford, son of Hollywood actors Eleanor Powell and Glenn Ford, is in town to give a talk at Scuppernong Books in Greensboro about his book, "Glenn Ford: A Life," a definitive biography published by the University of Wisconsin Press. Ford and Davis will give a talk before the screening of "3:10 to Yuma," featuring Glenn Ford, Tuesday, February 20 at SECCA.
Twana Cash Wellman Roebuck, Executive Director, Experiment In Self-Reliance
February 15, 2018 Twana Cash Wellman-Roebuck, Experiment In Self-Reliance Executive Director, Victoria von Dahlin of ESR and Eric Tomlinson, CEO, Wake Forest Innovation Quarter on Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
February 2, 2018 WSNC General Manager, Brian Anthony, playwright Cynthia P. Stitt, Enterprise Conference & Banquet Center Event Manager, Patricia Degraffinreaidt and Operations Manager, Ben Donnelly.
January 25, 2018 New York Times bestselling author Sarah McCoy dropped by WSNC to give us an update on her latest project and to recommend new books for your reading pleasure.
January 13, 2018 Film historian and author Foster Hirsch and “Afternoon Jazz” host Jim Steele are shown in the WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM studio where Hirsch and RiverRun director Rob Davis were guests discussing this weekend’s Retro programs.
January 12, 2018 RiverRun International Film Festival Executive Director Rob Davis and Foster Hirsch, PhD, Brooklyn College visit Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele. RiverRun Retro continues this weekend with, “Gentleman’s Agreement,” and “A Night at the Opera.” Dr. Hirsch is the author of 16 books on subjects related to theatre and movies.
Sunday Morning Gospel Host, Darlene Vinson with Renaissance woman Suzy McCalley owner of the Breathing Room Yoga Studio with Afternoon Jazz Host Jim Steele.
Jason McKinney of The Paul Robeson Tour and Ben Donnelly, WSNC
Jason McKinney of The Paul Robeson Tour, visits Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
Holidays with Dee Dee Bridgewater afterglow. Sonjy Bambi Davis, singer, Matthew Troy, Conductor, Karon McKinney, singer
Dee Dee Bridgewater at the WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM studio with Jim Steele and Byron Williams
Jazz music singer, Dee Dee Bridgewater at WSNC Radio
December 2017 WSNC Staff & Volunteer Holiday Luncheon
Byron Williams, WSNC, Dee Dee Bridgewater
WSNC Holiday Luncheon
Darlene Vinson, WSNC Sunday Morning Gospel
Matthew Troy and Meghan Parsons, Piedmont Wind Symphony with Byron Williams, WSNC's The Public Morality.
Installation of the new WSNC transmitter.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury in the WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM house today for a special Monday BookMarked show. A fascinating chat with Karen about all her upcoming projects: newest novel IN THIS MOMENT to Roma Downey and so much more.
New equipment at the shack!
WSNC Operations Manager Ben Donnelly installing new equipment.
WSNC Operations Manager Ben Donnelly installing new equipment.
The crew delivered the new equipment to the WSNC transmitter shack. Ben Donnelly and Darlene Vinson, WSNC Radio.
RiverRun International Film Festival Executive Director, Rob Davis and Monika Henreid, daughter of actor Paul Henreid (Casablanca) visit Afternoon Jazz with Jim Steele.
October 26, 2017. New York Times Bestselling author Sarah McCoy and Jim Steele, Afternoon Jazz.
October 26, 2017. New York Times Bestselling author Sarah McCoy and Jim Steele, Afternoon Jazz, hamming it up.
Afternoon Jazz Host Jim Steele and Clint Bowman of the High Point Arts Council are shown in the WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM studios where they were joined by RiverRun Executive Director Rob Davis to discuss the upcoming Indie Lens Pop-Up screenings of CHASING TRANE: THE JOHN COLTRANE DOCUMENTARY. The free screenings are Oct. 10 at 7:30 at the Huber Theatre at Salem College and Oct. 26 at 7:00 at the Centennial Station Arts Center. October 5, 2017
Afternoon Jazz Host Jim Steele and Clint Bowman of the High Point Arts Council are shown in the WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM studios where they were joined by RiverRun Executive Director Rob Davis to discuss the upcoming Indie Lens Pop-Up screenings of CHASING TRANE: THE JOHN COLTRANE DOCUMENTARY. The free screenings are Oct. 10 at 7:30 at the Huber Theatre at Salem College and Oct. 26 at 7:00 at the Centennial Station Arts Center. October 5, 2017
October 4, 2017. WSNC's BookMarked with Sarah McCoy, brought by best-selling authors like Emily Griffin, here with her daughter and Ben Donnelly, WSNC, Sarah McCoy, Darlene Vinson, WSNC, Jim Steele, WSNC.
Jim Steele, WSNC and author Emily Griffin.
September 22, 2017 WSNC's Darlene Vinson with singer/song writer Kerry-Ann Phoenix, drummer Hab Richardson, Music & Heritage sponsor/organizer, Dr. DaBeth Manns and trombonist Christopher Leath. A community concert featuring them and other performers is scheduled for Saturday, September 23, 3 p.m. at The Enterprise Conference and Banquet Center. Proceeds will support the WSSU Belinda S. Womack Endowed Music Education Scholarship Fund, www.bswnc.org, 336-793-2011.
September 14, 2017 WSNC Acting General Manager, Ben Donnelly, Darlene Vinson, host of Sunday Morning Gospel, singer-songwriter, Suzy McCalley and Afternoon Jazz host, Jim Steele. McCalley's CD, "Into the Flame debuts at Muddy Creek Music Hall, Sunday, September 17 at 6 p.m. with a live performance.
WSNC Acting General Manager, Ben Donnelly, Darlene Vinson, host of Sunday Morning Gospel, singer-songwriter, Suzy McCalley and Afternoon Jazz host, Jim Steele. McCalley's CD, "Into the Flame debuts at Muddy Creek Music Hall, Sunday, September 17 at 6 p.m. with a live performance. September 14, 2017
Darlene Vinson, WSNC. Sarah McCoy, author. Jim Steele WSNC
Matthew Troy, Piedmont Wind Symphony, Ben Donnelly, WSNC, Meghan Parsons, Piedmont Wind Symphony
Author, Sarah McCoy and Jim Steele, WSNC
July 21, 2017 Playwright Nathan Ross Freeman, producer Cheyenne Covington and choreographer Mable Robinson visit Afternoon Jazz to talk about the production of "Little Girl Blue" coming to the 2017 National Black Theatre Festival.
July 21, 2017 Playwright Nathan Ross Freeman, producer Cheyenne Covington and choreographer Mable Robinson visit Afternoon Jazz to talk about the production of "Little Girl Blue" coming to the 2017 National Black Theatre Festival.
January 23, 2018 WSNC listener-member Carl J. Miller and WSSU Football corner back,Daijon Carson with the Owens Daniels portrait of jazz trumpeter Joe Robinson. Miller will receive a t-shirt with this image of Robinson for his generous support of WSNC. Carson, a junior, is a mass communications major.
July 21, 2017 Playwright Nathan Ross Freeman, producer Cheyenne Covington and choreographer Mable Robinson visit Afternoon Jazz to talk about the production of "Little Girl Blue" coming to the 2017 National Black Theatre Festival.
This kitten was rescued from the water run-off drain outside of the 90.5 FM WSNC studios by Operations Manager Ben Donnelly. He was named Brahms and now resides with WSNC's Jim Steele.
June 26, 2017 Jazz guitarist Kevin M. Golden stopped by WSNC to talk about his new recording of original music, Pelham Parkway. The Kevin Golden Trio featuring Akiko Tsuruga and Peter Grant at www.kevingoldenjazzguitar.com. Pictured here with Darlene Vinson of Sunday Morning Gospel.
A banner of Ella Fitzgerald, "the First Lady of song," hangs over the entrance to 90.5 FM WSNC Radio at the Hall-Patterson Building on the WSSU campus
Ella Fitzgerald, "the First Lady of song," at the Hall-Patterson Building on the campus of Winston-Salem State University
Ella Fitzgerald welcomes visitors to the 90.5 FM WSNC studios.
June 8, 2017 International recording artist, T.K. Blue, Sunday Morning Gospel host, Darlene Vinson and pianist Reggie Buie.
June 5, 2017 Sunday Morning Gospel host Darlene Vinson and acoustic blues man "Big" Ron Hunter will be at The Deep Roots Community Concert sponsored by Delta Arts Center, Thursday, June 8, 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., 2611 New Walkertown Road, Winston-Salem. Call 336-722-2625 or www.deltaartscenter.org.
Dr. Sylvia A. Flack, Professor Emeritus of Winston-Salem State University's School of Health Sciences, Nursing Division, came by WSNC to talk about the program she helped flourish and her vintage and antique jewelry collection. FUN!
May 19, 2017 Darlene Vinson brings you the BEST in uplifting gospel music! LISTEN to Sunday Morning Gospel with Darlene Vinson from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m @ www.wsncradio.org!
May 12, 2017 Jamie Lawson, executive director, Theatre Alliance of Winston-Salem and Darlene Vinson, host of Sunday Morning Gospel at WSNC radio. The Theatre Alliance opens its production of "Ragtime," the musical, TONIGHT!
May 4, 2017 The end of another semester and Commencement is in the air. The sculpture at the center, "Po Tolo" by Tyrone Mitchell is an 8 ft x 40 ft stone, steel and granite structure installed on the campus in 1985. It was a gift to Winston-Salem State University by the National Endowment for the Arts and Gordon Hanes. It is one of Winston-Salem's most important art pieces on public display.
May 25, 2017 Poets Brenda Marie Osbey and Harvest Williams honor National Poetry Month AND Jazz Appreciation Month! LISTEN @ www.wsncrafio.org!
April 7, 2017 Michael Magruder, PhD. Chairman, Music Department and Director of Bands at Winston-Salem State University visits WSNC to talk about this month's spring recitals.
April 7, 2017 Carol Davis, Executive Director, S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation, visiting with Ben Donnelly on Triad In Focus.
April 7, 2017 Carol Davis, Executive Director, S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation, visiting with Ben Donnelly on Triad In Focus.
April 7, 2017 Carol Davis, Executive Director, S.G. Atkins Community Development Corporation, visiting with Ben Donnelly on Triad In Focus.
April 3, 2017 Sunday Morning Gospel host, Darlene Vinson, was recently honored by the Big 4 Alumni Association, Winston-Salem, during its 2017 Black History Month Celebration. Congratulations!
March 8, 2017 We're raising money for public radio! Thanks for your lovely calls of support and generous gifts! Call us at 336-750-2325 or visit www.wsncradio.org!
March 8, 2017 We're raising money for public radio! Thanks for your lovely calls of support and generous gifts! Call us at 336-750-2325 or visit www.wsncradio.org!
March 8, 2017 We're raising money for public radio! Thanks for your lovely calls of support and generous gifts! Call us at 336-750-2325 or visit www.wsncradio.org!
January 6, 2017 Trombonist, composer and interim coordinator of the Community Music School at the UNCSA, Cameron MacManus visited WSNC 90.5 FM to talk about the school's open house Saturday, January 14 at the Roger L. Stevens Center.
November 11, 2016 WSNC 90.5 FM listener-member James S. Campbell, M.D., visited the station to voice his support for jazz music and Democracy Now! Afternoon jazz host, Jim Steele, Dr. Campbell, Darlene Vinson, host, Sunday Morning Gospel and morning jazz host Ben Donnelly.
November 19, 2016 Jazz music pianist Reggie Buie and jazz vocalist Emile Worthy visit with Sunday Morning Gospel host Darlene Vinson and Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM. www.wsncradio.org.
November 9, 2016 Jazz music pianist Reggie Buie and jazz vocalist Emile Worthy visit with Sunday Morning Gospel host Darlene Vinson and Afternoon Jazz host Jim Steele at WSNC 90.5 FM. www.wsncradio.org.
November 3, 2016 Jazz music singer Chris Murrell and Sunday Morning Gospel host Darlene Vinson visiting and enjoying themselves at WSNC 90.5 FM. LISTEN to a conversation with Chris on Afternoon Jazz at 4:30 pm TODAY www.wsncradio.org.
November 11, 2016 The WSNC 90.5 family welcomes James S. Campbell, M.D. to the station. LaShera Powell (sophomore), Dr. Campbell, Britt'ney Mitchell (senior), Winston-Salem State University SU Radio President Demetria Hockaday (junior), interim WSNC General Manager, Ben Donnelly, WSNC Office Manager, Darlene Vinson.
November 9, 2016 Jazz music vocalist Emile J. Worthy and jazz pianist Reggie Buie visit WSNC 90.5 FM to talk about live jazz music in the Piedmont.
October 26, 2016 Steven LaCosse of Piedmont Opera visits WSNC 90.5 FM to talk about the production of Tosca he's directing! LISTEN at www.wsncradio.org.
October 20, 2016 Diggs Gallery director Endia Beal and Toronto visual storyteller Zun Lee visiting with me at WSNC 90.5 FM.
July 21, 2016 WSNC 90.5 FM sponsored free lunchtime music performances downtown at Winston Square Park.
July 19, 2016 WSNC 90.5 FM's Classic Jazz ad campaign featured artists like Bill Evans.
July 14, 2016 Victoria von Dohlen, Development & Agency Relations Manager, Elliann Dunbar, WFU Intern and Luna Williams, Housing Case Manager from The Experiment in Self-Reliance visited WSNC radio to talk about ESR's Yard Sale this Saturday. Meko Taylor, WSCN Membership Coordinator and WSNC General Manager, Elvin Jenkins are also pictured. #ESR #WSNC #LUNAWILLIAMS #WFU #WSSU
June 16, 2016 WSNC 90.5 FM's Classic Jazz ad campaign featured artists like Louis Armstrong
June 1, 2016 Actor, writer and journalist, Rolanda Watts (with Jim Steele) came by WSNC to talk about her new novel, "Destiny Lingers."
June 2, 2016 The WSNC family showing some love to Glynis W. Bell, author, "Fierce & Fabulous."
June 2, 2016 Glynis Bell came by the station to talk about her book "Fierce & Fabulous," a Young Ladies Guide to Inspiration and Positive Self-Image, www.authorhouse.com.
May 5, 2016 Amy Jordan Kincaid host of Artist on Art at the Sawtooth School for Visual Art, May 5, 6:40-8 p.m., Davis Gallery.
April 19, 2016 Lawren Desai, a/perture cinema curator visits WSNC to talk about "Miles Ahead," the Miles Davis film starring and directed by Don Cheadle, opening this Friday! #milesahead
April 18, 2016 WSNC 90.5 FM celebrates the music of Miles Davis at a/perture cinema, Friday, April 22!
April 4, 2016 Our Lady of Smooth Jazz, Pat Hall has a splendid feature about jazz and poetry--both art forms honored this month--in the latest issue of "For Seniors Only."
April 15, 2016 Reagan High school band director, Andrew Craft dropped by WSNC radio today to talk about the 10th annual City Of the Arts Jazz Festival, Saturday, April 23 at Reagan.
April 29, 2016 Pat Hall and Elvin Jenkins sharing the news of jazz music Sarah Vaughn's image to be used on a U.S. Postage Stamp.
March 29, 2016 Matt Kosma and Jill Strickland of the Camel City Jazz Orchestra helping raise money for WSNC.
Jim Steele, WSNC and Matthew Troy, Piedmont Wind Symphony
February 9, 2016 Kevin Mundy, director of marketing at the Sawtooth School for Visual Art visits WSNC 90.5 radio to talk about Fill Your Heart with Art.
January 15, 2016 Operatic tenor and professor Samuel Cook performs Sunday, Jan. 17, 3 p.m., at Old Salem's historic St. Philips African Moravian Church. Cook will be accompanied by pianist Susan Keck Foster in a recital of Negro spirituals. #StPhilipsMoravianChurch #OldSalem
March 11, 2016 Baritone Michael Redding, a UNCSA alumnus dropped by to talk about Piedmont Opera Theatre's production of Stephen Sondheim's "A Little Night a Music." #PIEDMONTOPERA #UNCSA #WSNC
Jim Steele, WSNC, Connie Quinn, Piedmont Opera and Matt Kosma, Camel City Jazz Orchestra
Jim Steele, WSNC & Matt Kendrick, jazz bass player, composer
Jim Steele, WSNC & Matthew Troy, Piedmont Wind Symphony
December 7, 2015 The 90.5 FM WSNC family welcomes Jill Strickland and Matt Kosma of the Camel City Jazz Orchestra!
October 2015 The WSNC team were eager to get a photo with Stephanie Tyson and Vivián Joiner, our friends from Sweet Potatoes (well shut my mouth!!) - a restaurant.
October 2015 WSSU Communications Department Chair Brian Blount (center) with a WSSU student and the owners of Sweet Potatoes, a Restaurant, Vivienne Joiner and Stephanie
Matthew Troy, Piedmont Wind Symphony, Jim Steele WSNC
Carol Andrews, author, TV broadcaster and Jim Steele , WSNC
October 13, 1015 Arthor and entrepreneur Carol Andrews with the WSNC 90.5 FM family! (Ben Donnelly , Operations Manager, Carol Andrews , author, "From Author To Entrepreneur." Meko Taylor, Membership Coordinator and Elvin Jenkins, General Manager.
March 27, 2016 Nannette Davis, Sawtooth Center education director, visiting WSNC inviting listeners to "Art In the Afternoon," this Saturday.
September 24, 2015 Devon MacKay, Director of Major Gifts, The Arts Council of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County visiting WSNC 90.5 FM to talk about the Power2Give initiatives, www.power2give.org.
September 22, 2015 Piedmont Wind Symphony Artistic Director & Conductor Matthew Troy, WSNC Membership Coordinator Meko Taylor and WSNC General Manager Elvin Jenkins.
August 23, 2015 Shaun and Khara Howe enjoying the Camel City Jazz Orchestra. Shaun Howe, host "Swing Set," Saturdays 8-11 a.m., www.wsncradio.org, at Miller Park with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 23, 1015 Camel City Jazz Orchestra. Concert in the Park Series, Arts Council of WSFC & WSNC
September 13, 2015 Bookmarks Festival of Books Jim Steele, WSNC, had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion between three fine authors at the 2015 Bookmarks Festival of books today in Winston-Salem: Earl Swift, "Auto Biography," Leigh Ann Henion, "Phenomenal: A Hesitant Adventurer's Search For Wonder in the Natural World," Eric G. Wilson, "Keep It Fake." FUN!
Concert in the Park Series offered opportunity to take public surveys.
Concert in the Park Series
August 25, 2015 Ginger Hendricks, Bookmarks executive director, talks about the event TODAY at 4:30 p.m.! LISTEN @ www.wsncradio.org!
August 23, 2015, Miller Park Several hundred residents turned out to hear the Camel City Jazz Orchestra's Neighborhood Suites concert.
August 23, 2015, Miller Park Several hundred residents turned out to hear the Camel City Jazz Orchestra's Neighborhood Suites concert.
August 9, 2015 Laila Nur at Second Sunday On 4th, KILLING IT!
September 13, 2015 Bookmarks Festival of Books Jim Steele, WSNC, had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion between three fine authors at the 2015 Bookmarks Festival of books today in Winston-Salem: Earl Swift, "Auto Biography," Leigh Ann Henion, "Phenomenal: A Hesitant Adventurer's Search For Wonder in the Natural World," Eric G. Wilson, "Keep It Fake." FUN!
August 9, 2015 WSNC 90.5 FM's Darlene Vinson and legendary radio jazz music host Ed Spears at Second Sunday's On 4th, downtown Winston-Salem!
August 9, 2015 Neighborhood Suites series with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra. — with Shaun Howe and Matt Kosma in Washington Park Historic District (Winston-Salem, North Carolina).
September 10, 2015 Author Robert Beatty with the WSNC 90.5 FM family. Beatty will read from his New York Times bestselling book, Serafina and the Black Cloak this Saturday at Bookmarks Festival of books. (Elvin Jenkins, WSNC GM, Beatty, Darlene Vinson, Gospel Expressions and Shaun Howe, Swing Set).
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 5, 2015 Darlene Vinson, Sunday Gospel Expressions host, Kristina Ebbink, Twin City Stage, Lalenja Harrington, star, "Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill, Elvin Jenkins, WSNC FM general manager.
July 30, 2015 WSNC general manager Elvin Jenkins, Sharon Hardin, coordinator, Davis Gallery, Sawtooth School for Visual Arts and Louis Armstrong.
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 9, 2015 Gospel Expressions host Darlene Vinson at SSO4.
July 31, 2015 Katherine White from the New Winston Museum and Cameron MacManus from the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
September 17, 2015 The WSNC 90.5 FM family welcomes Nannette Davis, Program Coordinator, Sawtooth School for Visual Art! (Meko Taylor, Membership Coordinator, Elvin Jenkins, General Manager, Davis, Darlene Vinson, Office Manager, host, Gospel Expressions)
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 2, 2015 Sunday afternoon with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
July 14, 2015 Jamie Rogers Southern, Operations Manager, Bookmarks, at WSNC!
Jim Steele, WSNC and Matt Kendrick, bass player, composer
April 21, 2015 Award-winning independent filmmaker Haile Gerima at WSNC 90.5 FM speaking with WSSU Dean Corey D.B. Walker.
Mary Dossinger, RiverRun International Film Festival
September 13, 2015 Bookmarks Festival of Books Jim Steele, WSNC, had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion between three fine authors at the 2015 Bookmarks Festival of books today in Winston-Salem: Earl Swift, "Auto Biography," Leigh Ann Henion, "Phenomenal: A Hesitant Adventurer's Search For Wonder in the Natural World," Eric G. Wilson, "Keep It Fake." FUN!
July 22, 2015 WSNC general manager Elvin Jenkins, Matt Kosma and Michael Kinchen of the Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
April 9, 2015 Winston Salem State University students Nikki Baldwin, a junior and Xavier McDougald a senior at the Bookmarks-sponsored visit by Tavis Smiley.
August 9, 2015 Shaun Howe, host, Swing Set, Saturdays 8 am- 11 am, and Diana Tuffin, singer, Camel City Jazz Orchestra.
August 23, 2015 Shaun Howe, host "Swing Set," Saturdays 8-11 a.m., www.wsncradio.org, at Miller Park with the Camel City Jazz Orchestra. — at Miller Park.
April 9, 2015 Tavis Smiley visits 90.5 FM WSNC Radio for a conversation with Dean Corey Walker at Winston-Salem State University
Award-winning independent filmmaker Haile Gerima at WSNC 90.5 FM speaking with WSSU Dean Corey D.B. Walker.
October 20, 2015 Gary Taylor, choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Winston-Salem Festival Ballet visiting with the WSNC 90.5 FM family to talk about his original production of Dracula, Oct. 22-25 at Hanes Brands Theatre, www.winstonsalemfestivalballet.org. — at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
October 20, 2015 Gary Taylor, choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Winston-Salem Festival Ballet visiting with the WSNC 90.5 FM family to talk about his original production of Dracula, Oct. 22-25 at Hanes Brands Theatre, www.winstonsalemfestivalballet.org. — at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
September 13, 2015 Bookmarks Festival of Books Jim Steele, WSNC, had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion between three fine authors at the 2015 Bookmarks Festival of books today in Winston-Salem: Earl Swift, "Auto Biography," Leigh Ann Henion, "Phenomenal: A Hesitant Adventurer's Search For Wonder in the Natural World," Eric G. Wilson, "Keep It Fake." FUN!
Downtown Jazz at Corpening Plaza
April 9, 2015 The heart of the WSNC 90.5 FM Public Radio family! — with Elvin Jenkins at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
April 9, 2015 Tavis Smiley visits 90.5 FM WSNC Radio for a conversation with Dean Corey Walker at Winston-Salem State University
February 20, 2015 The WSNC 90.5 FM team at the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce state of the economy meeting. — with Jaclyn Pingel Day and Ben Donnelly.
Jim Steele, WSNC, Diana Tuffin, singer, Matt Kosma, Camel City Jazz Ensemble
October 20, 2015 Gary Taylor, choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Winston-Salem Festival Ballet visiting with the WSNC 90.5 FM family to talk about his original production of Dracula, Oct. 22-25 at Hanes Brands Theatre, www.winstonsalemfestivalballet.org. — with Elvin Jenkins and Pat Hall at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
Award-winning independent filmmaker Haile Gerima at WSNC 90.5 FM speaking with WSSU Dean Corey D.B. Walker.
Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza
Friday Night Jazz at Corpening Plaza
June 13, 2014 WSNC 90.5 Smooth Jazz Music Hostess Pat!
March 18, 2015 Sunday Smooth Jazz at 90.5 WSNC Public Radio with Jo Dred. LISTEN @ www.wsncradio.org!
April 9, 2015 Tavis Smiley visits 90.5 FM WSNC Radio for a conversation with Dean Corey Walker at Winston-Salem State University — at WSNC Public Radio 90.5 FM.
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